Category Archives: p4

Presentation Practice

This week some of our classes started preparing for their speaking tests next week. They are working in groups to make presentations based on one of our topics from the year. So far everyone’s been working really well together. 



Pledge Tree

On Friday we commemorated 100 days since the King of Thailand passed away.

A monk came to school, and the children gave him food and offerings.

Recently our children have been thinking of positive  changes they could make in their own lives.  They wrote their ideas down in the form of pledges. They wrote one pledge for ‘at home’ and one pledge for ‘at school’. Everybody hung their pledges on our special pledge tree.


It was a wonderful idea and the resulting tree looks beautiful. It will stand as a reminder for our students to always aim for their goals. 

Expressing Emotions

Next week P3 and P4 will begin to think about expressing emotions in a more complex way. Rather than just saying – “I am happy”, or “I am sad”, we want our students to be able to explain the reasons why. Maybe a student is happy because they just got a high score in a test, or maybe they are sad because they had a day where nothing seemed to go right!

We also want our students to use a wider range of adjectives to describe their feelings. Like  nervous, confused, embarrassed and excited.

Next week they will also learn to use some cool idioms to describe emotions like ‘down in the dumps’ (which means sad!) , ‘over the moon’ (which mean very happy) and ‘seeing red’ (Which means angry)

Ok, I know this video is a bit silly, but it has quite a wide range of words to express emotions. Give it a watch. 

This videos pretty helpful too!


New Year’s Resolutions

It’s almost 2017. Can you believe it? 2016 has gone so fast. This week our students have been thinking about what resolutions and pledges they can make for the New Year. They’ve thought about small, positive changes that they can make at home and at school.  

Check out some resolution ideas int he video below. 

Now listen carefully to the children in the video below. They are talking about their New Year’s resolutions. They go to a school called Evergreen Mill Elementary. It’s in the United States of America. 

What are your resolutions for the New Year?

Merry Christmas

We’d like to wish all of our students and parents a very Merry Christmas. You can watch some of our children talking about the holiday season in the video below.

What are your plans for Christmas eve, Christmas day and Boxing day? All of the staff and students at SorBorOr are looking forward to the Boxing day celebration we have planned for Monday. It’s going to be great! 

Merry Christmas!